Transport outsourcing
Outsourcing transport brings many advantages for companies. The original owner does not have to invest in his own transport equipment and can concentrate on his main business.
Due to the independence of the carrier, operating costs and administrative burdens are also reduced.

The company BODOS Czechia a.s. is ready to fully take over the transport of your company - including employees - and operate it exclusively on the basis of your instructions in the form of a transport center. We will carry out an analysis of factory transport and determine a price offer for its operation.
The takeover of factory transport in full, including employees, was implemented, for example, in the following companies: Miltra B s.r.o., RMD Olešnice, Odkolek a.s. (Vysočany), PENAM a.s. and others.

Purchase of vehicles or parts
We are ready to buy vehicles intended for sale by your company at an agreed price, which will be the sum of the individually agreed prices of individual vehicles. The basis for negotiations on prices will be the current expert opinions of the vehicles. The company BODOS Czechia a.s. it also offers the purchase of spare parts and tires that can be used for existing transport equipment.

Vehicle advertising
Our company does not have its own distribution or conduct any other business activity. We are a purely transport company that provides transport services according to the requirements of our customers. Specific vehicles used by individual customers are marked according to the obligation of the motor vehicle operator by law. Free space on vehicles is made available to customers for advertising purposes to promote the sale of their products. Customers realize advertising at their own expense, mostly on vehicle bodies or tarpaulins.

The company BODOS Czechia a.s. offers to take over your warehouse and operate it on your premises, or on our premises - including the possibility of ensuring distribution of customer products in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.